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Exercise Alone Won’t Make You Thin. Do It Anyway!

“Perfect your ideal eating and workout plan to shed weight!” “For your ideal body, eat less, move more!” “Develop your diet and exercise...


The virus went down to D.C. and cast his vote for gun control. He smiled, virtuous and true, as liberal-minded lawmakers both cowered and...

Gone Guys

They shut us down, and you melted. Seeped into the sidewalk, your back to the once-inviting lane. Where did you go? Did you disappear?...

Not a Mama Bear

I am not a mama bear, I don’t care. I don’t think children walk on air. Instead they dare, their tempers flare, They run amok and pull...

Corona come and (please) go.

The virus came and I broke. "She's falling apart," I heard it said - horse's mouth and all. "Don't let it steal your joy." "You can't...

The Goodness of Little Men

I saw him bike up the path toward the playground crawling with kids - kids much younger than he. No matter. Off the bike he flew - a...

When "ordinary" was the breakthrough I needed.

I recently dealt with a problem I don't often face, and, in all honesty, it threw me for a moment. I was working with a new editor on web...

Introduction, please.

Hi. I’m Carissa Lamkahouan, freelance journalist, editor, copywriter, and owner of Carissa Writes It All, a consulting writing business....

Blog: Blog2
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